MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Dr. Salma Soliman
Doctorate, Middlesex University
Current or most recent Employer


Middlesex University
Time in Post - 3

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise

Egypt, Libya, United Arab Emirates,

Disciplinary or professional background

Business, Development Studies, Education, Social/Public Policy

Contact Info

Social Media (Other)

Public Profiles

Current Areas of Policy Interest

Public Policy ( 9 years )

Education policy ( 9 years )

Labour and employment policies ( 9 years )


Academic publications
Food Security and Vocatiol Education and Training: Exploring the Links in the Egyptian Case

Academic conferences
– Soliman, S.; Papastassiou, M.; Mergos, G.; and Vedanthachari, L. (2016). “The integration of SMEs into global agro-food value chains: The role of MNEs in Egyptian agribusiness, Sourcing/Outsourcing As An Instrument Of Development: The Interface Between Mnes, SMEs And Governments”, CIBS – Centre for Intertiol Business Studies, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, September 2016. – Soliman, S. (2014), “Researching Egyptian business and society after the Arab Spring”, World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. – Soliman, S. (2010), “Institutiol theory and VET development in the South Mediterranean, World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Barcelo. – Soliman, S. (2009), “Institutiol theory and VET development in Egypt”, Annual conference of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Manchester, Manchester.

Consultancy Reports
I participated in multiple consultancy reports but cannot share these due to clients' confidentiality.