Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 10 years )
Dr. Pooya AlaediniQualifications
Doctorate, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USACurrent or most recent Employer
Associate Professor
University of Tehran
Time in Post - 12
Organisation Type: University
Regional Expertise
Disciplinary or professional background
Development Studies, Development (applied), Economics, Evaluation research, Social/Public Policy
Contact Info
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Governance (Local Governance and Decentralization) ( 5 years )
Public Policy ( 15 years )
Social safety nets ( 5 years )
Labour and employment policies ( 5 years )
Economic development ( 17 years )
Academic publications
M.R. Farzanegan and Pooya Alaedini, eds., Economic Welfare and Inequality in Iran: Developments since the Revolution, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Pooya Alaedini and Farzin Fardanesh, From Shelter to Regeneration: Slum Upgrading and Shelter Policies in I.R. Iran, Tehran: UDRO, 2014 (available at http://rsuwgmeeting.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tiol-Report-IRofIran-2014.pdf). Pooya Alaedini, et al, Post-Earthquake Reconstruction and Vulnerability Reduction in Iran: Social and Magement Aspects, Tehran: NDRI & Jameeshesan, 2011 (in Persian).
Academic conferences
Pooya Alaedini, “Qualitative Assessment of Conditiol Cash Transfer and Complementary Components under the Productive Social Safety Net Project: Institutiol, Capacity, and Strategic Issues,” Fil report prepared for World Bank/Government of Tanzania—TASAF, August 2013 (available at http://www.tasaf.go.tz/index.php/media1/all-downloads/studies/235-qualitative-assessment-of-conditiol-cash-transfer-and-complimentary-components-under-the-productive-social-safety-net-project/file).
Policy Reports
Helen Shahriari, Pooya Alaedini, and Firouzeh Afsharnia, Agricultural Activities, Water, and Gender in Tajikistan’s Rural Sector: A Social Assessment of Konibodom, Ghafurov, and Yovon, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2008 (available at http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/Resources/244362-1164107274725/TajikSocAssessment-web.pdf?resourceurlme=TajikSocAssessment-web.pdf). Pooya Alaedini, Training and Employment of People with Disabilities: Iran 2003, Ability Asia Study Series, Bangkok: Intertiol Labor Organization, 2004 (available at http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/publication/wcms_113195.pdf).
Consultancy Reports
Pooya Alaedini, “Qualitative Assessment of Conditiol Cash Transfer and Complementary Components under the Productive Social Safety Net Project: Institutiol, Capacity, and Strategic Issues,” Fil report prepared for World Bank/Government of Tanzania—TASAF, August 2013 (available at http://www.tasaf.go.tz/index.php/media1/all-downloads/studies/235-qualitative-assessment-of-conditiol-cash-transfer-and-complimentary-components-under-the-productive-social-safety-net-project/file).