MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Dr. Pooya Alaedini
Doctorate, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Current or most recent Employer

Associate Professor

University of Tehran
Time in Post - 12

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise


Disciplinary or professional background

Development Studies, Development (applied), Economics, Evaluation research, Social/Public Policy

Contact Info


Department of Social Planning Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Ale-Ahmad Avenue, Tehran 1411713118, Iran
Current Areas of Policy Interest

Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 10 years )

Governance (Local Governance and Decentralization) ( 5 years )

Public Policy ( 15 years )

Social safety nets ( 5 years )

Labour and employment policies ( 5 years )

Economic development ( 17 years )


Academic publications
M.R. Farzanegan and Pooya Alaedini, eds., Economic Welfare and Inequality in Iran: Developments since the Revolution, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Pooya Alaedini and Farzin Fardanesh, From Shelter to Regeneration: Slum Upgrading and Shelter Policies in I.R. Iran, Tehran: UDRO, 2014 (available at Pooya Alaedini, et al, Post-Earthquake Reconstruction and Vulnerability Reduction in Iran: Social and Magement Aspects, Tehran: NDRI & Jameeshesan, 2011 (in Persian).

Academic conferences
Pooya Alaedini, “Qualitative Assessment of Conditiol Cash Transfer and Complementary Components under the Productive Social Safety Net Project: Institutiol, Capacity, and Strategic Issues,” Fil report prepared for World Bank/Government of Tanzania—TASAF, August 2013 (available at

Policy Reports
Helen Shahriari, Pooya Alaedini, and Firouzeh Afsharnia, Agricultural Activities, Water, and Gender in Tajikistan’s Rural Sector: A Social Assessment of Konibodom, Ghafurov, and Yovon, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2008 (available at Pooya Alaedini, Training and Employment of People with Disabilities: Iran 2003, Ability Asia Study Series, Bangkok: Intertiol Labor Organization, 2004 (available at

Consultancy Reports
Pooya Alaedini, “Qualitative Assessment of Conditiol Cash Transfer and Complementary Components under the Productive Social Safety Net Project: Institutiol, Capacity, and Strategic Issues,” Fil report prepared for World Bank/Government of Tanzania—TASAF, August 2013 (available at