MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Prof. Peter Blunt
Masters (including MRes, MBA, MPA), University of Bath
Current or most recent Employer

Adjunct Professor

Adam Smith International
Time in Post - 1

Organisation Type: Consultant/Self-employed

Regional Expertise

Lebanon, Oman,

Disciplinary or professional background

Business, Civil service, Development Studies, Government, Policy/political advocacy (including human rights), Social/Public Policy

Contact Info


University of New South Wales, School of Business (Canberra)
Public Profiles

Current Areas of Policy Interest

Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 25 years )

Governance (Local Governance and Decentralization) ( 30 years )

Public Policy ( 25 years )


Academic publications
1. Blunt, P. (with F. Mamundzay, & M. sary) (2017). The Long and the Short of Policy Pantomime in Afghanistan. Progress in Development Studies, 17(1), pp. 67-88. 2. Blunt, P. (with S. Khamoosh) (2016). Vexatious Voice: The Politics of Downward Accountability and Subtiol Governce Reform in Afghanistan. Progress in Development Studies, 16(1), 81-100. Shortlisted for best article of the year 2016 - Prize Winning Papers in honour of Robert Potter.

Consultancy Reports
1. Blunt, P. (with others) (2016). UNDP (Nepal) Country Programme Outcome Evaluation (Outcomes 5 & 6). UNDP, Kathmandu, mimeo, pp. 102. 2. Blunt, P. (2016). United tions Population Fund Papua New Guinea Project Document: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of Papua New Guinea. UNFPA, Port Moresby, mimeo, pp. 43. 3. Blunt, P. (2014). Enhancing IDLG’s Contributions to tiol and Subtiol Governce: Ratiole, Strategic Opportunities, and Reform Proposals. IDLG Strategic Review – Discussion Paper, September, Kabul, pp. 44.