Governance (National) ( 5 years )
Mrs. Noor AlabbasBiography
I am a student at the University of Nottingham, my research interest covers the labour market policies in Bahrain, labour immigration policies in the GCC countries, governance, state-society relationship and the role of different actors in affecting policy decisions.
Doctorate, University of NottinghamCurrent or most recent Employer
Seminar Tutor
University of Nottingham
Time in Post - 1
Organisation Type: University
Regional Expertise
Disciplinary or professional background
Social/Public Policy
Contact Info
Social Media
NoorAlabbas87 (Twitter)
Public Profiles
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Public Policy ( 5 years )
Labour and employment policies ( 6 years )
Work relates to groups
Areas of Policy Interest over the last ten years
Areas of Policy Interest researched, programmes designed and/or delivered in the last ten years
Public Policy
Governance (National)
Labour and employment polices
Academic conferences
2014 The Second Middle East and North Africa (Me) Social Policy Network Conference: Social Policy in the Middle East and North Africa: Challenges and Opportunities- University of Bath. presentation under the title of Restructuring the labour market in Bahrain: Challenges to Bahrainisation 2019 Presented at the Fourth ME Social Policy Network (University of Bath) Conference in Partnership with the American University in Cairo’s Centery Celebration Social Policy in the ME Region: Policy learning in the era of social protection. American University in Cairo, Cairo (Egypt 2019 paper presented for the 2019 Gulf research meeting organised by Gulf Research Centre in Cambridge
Social Media
Presentation in a semir under the title of “challenges to Bahrainisation”