MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Dr. Mohamed Behnassi

Dr. Mohamed Behnassi is a Full Professor of Global Environmental and Human Security Politics at Ibn Zohr University of Agadir, Morocco and the Founding Director of the Center for Environment, Human Security and Governance (CERES). His teaching and research areas cover human security, environmental/climate change and governance. Recent publications include: Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global Risks (Springer 2019); Climate Change, Food Security and natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands (Springer 2019). In addition, he has organized many international scientific meetings and managed many research and expertise projects on behalf of various national and international institutions.

Doctorate, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco
Current or most recent Employer

Director of Research or Project Mager

Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, Ibn Zohr University of Agadir, Morocco
Time in Post - 15

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise

Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia,

Disciplinary or professional background

Development Studies, Education, Evaluation research, Law, Political science, Policy/political advocacy (including human rights), Other

Contact Info


Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, PO. Box 8658 Poste Dakhla, Agadir 80000
Social Media

Facebook: Mohamed Behnassi (Facebook)

Public Profiles

Current Areas of Policy Interest

Inequality ( 7 years )

Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 5 years )

Governance (National) ( 12 years )

Governance (Local Governance and Decentralization) ( 15 years )

Public Policy ( 12 years )

Education policy ( 5 years )

Gender equality

Labour and employment policies ( 15 years )

Conflict & Security ( 10 years )

Work relates to groups

Children ( 9 years )

Youth ( 15 years )

Women ( 9 years )

displaced ( 8 years )

Areas of Policy Interest over the last ten years

Areas of Policy Interest researched, programmes designed and/or delivered in the last ten years

Public Policy

Poverty/deprivation reduction


Governance (National)

Governance (Local & Decentralization)

Education policy

Family policy

Gender equality

Conflict & Security


Academic publications

Academic conferences

Professional or Trade Press



Social Media Facebook: Mohamed Behssi Twitter: @behssi Linkedin: Dr. Behssi Mohamed

Policy Reports

Policy Briefs

Consultancy Reports

