MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Dr. Mata Hashemi
Doctorate, University of California, Berkeley
Current or most recent Employer

Assistant Professor

University of Oklahoma
Time in Post - 2

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise

Iran, Qatar,

Disciplinary or professional background


Contact Info


University of Oklahoma 729 Elm Avenue Norman, OK 73019
Public Profiles

Current Areas of Policy Interest

Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 12 years )


Academic publications
2017. “Aspirations, Poverty and Behavior Among Youth in the Middle East: Some Theoretical Considerations.” The Muslim World 107: 83-99. 2015. “Waithood and Face: Morality and Mobility among Lower-Class Youth in Iran.” Qualitative Sociology 38: 261-283. 2015. Corey Abramson, Mata Hashemi, and Martin Sanchez-Jankowski. “Perceived discrimition in US healthcare: Charting the effects of key social characteristics within and across racial groups.” Preventative Medicine Reports 2: 615-621.

Academic conferences
“Islam in America: What in the World Is Going On?” Moderator. University of Oklahoma, March 2016. “The Face Savers: Morality and Mobility in Contemporary Iran” University of Oklahoma, Iranian Studies Program Inaugural Lecture, September 2015. “War by Other Means: Iran Under Sanctions” Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar, Center for International and Regional Studies Panel Discussion, March 2013. “The Urban Poor in Iran” Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar, Center for Intertiol and Regional Studies Social Change in Post-Khomeini Iran Working Group, October 2012. “The Struggles of Everyday Life: Poor Youth in an Iranian Context” Stanford University, Islamic Studies Workshop Series, April 2010. “Aspirations and Social Movements in the Middle East” the University of California-Berkeley, Department of Sociology Semir, April 2010.

Professional or Trade Press
2013. Mata Hashemi* and Martin Sanchez-Jankowski, editors. Children in Crisis: Ethnographic Studies in Intertiol Contexts. New York: Routledge. *Lead Editor



Social Media

Policy Reports
2011. “Recent Trends in the Situation of Adolescents and Youth in Iran.” Background paper prepared for UNICEF’s A Generation on the Move. November 2011. 2011. "Dressing Up to Move Up." Op-Ed for PBS Frontline, Tehran Bureau, July 11, 2011. -Reprinted in, July 13, 2011. 2007. “Youth and Employment in Iran: Youth Empowerment and Employment through Community-Based Approaches.” Hamyaran Iran NGO Resource Center. October 2007.

Consultancy Reports

