Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 10 years )
Dr. Markus LoeweQualifications
Doctorate, University of HeidelbergCurrent or most recent Employer
Research team leader
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Time in Post - 18
Organisation Type: Consultancy and research - including think-tanks (not for profit)
Regional Expertise
Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia,
Disciplinary or professional background
Contact Info
Public Profiles
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Public Finance ( 20 years )
Health policy ( 18 years )
Social protection
Social safety nets ( 22 years )
Labour and employment policies ( 4 years )
Social security systems ( 22 years )
Taxation ( 4 years )
Economic development ( 10 years )
Academic publications
Loewe, Markus (2016): Social protection: a key instrument for social, economic and political development, Kiel: Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet), (Pegnet Policy Brief 7) Altenburg, Tilman / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa / Markus Loewe (2016): A decade on: how relevant is the regulatory environment for micro and small enterprise upgrading after all? in: The European Jourl of Development Research (online first) doi:10.1057/s41287-016-0010-2 Loewe, Markus (2015): An appropriate approach: interview with Markus Loewe, in: Development and Co-operation (D+C) 42 (8), 18-20 Loewe, Markus (2015): Safety nets: an underresearched topic, in: Development and Co-operation (D+C) 42 (9), 36 Loewe, Markus (2015): Transforming Egypt: innovation and diversification as drivers of growth´, Cairo: Economic Research Forum (ERF Policy Brief 1/2015) Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.) (2015), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustaible development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 15-20 Loewe, Markus / Katja Bender / Esther Schüring (2015): One size fits all? Die Rolle der Sozialversicherung in Entwicklungsländern, in: Laurenz Mülheims / Karin Hummel / Susanne Peters-Lange / Edwin Toepler / Iris Schuhmann (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sozialversicherungswissenschaft, Heidelberg: Springer VS, 1077-1096 Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimée, Loewe, Markus & Caroline Reeg (2015): The entrepreneur makes a difference: Evidence on MSE upgrading factors from Egypt, India, and the Philippines. World Development 66(2), 118-130. Loewe, Markus (2015): 千年发展目标与可持续发展目标 ——人类发展目标同全球公共产品目标的结合? [Millennium Plus oder Sustaible Development Goals: Wie lassen sich Ziele der menschlichen Entwicklung mit Zielen für globale öffentliche Güter miteinder kombinieren?], in: Thomas Fues / Jiang Ye (eds.), 联合国2015年后全球发展议程研究——中国与欧洲的视角 [The United tions post-2015 agenda for global development: perspectives from Chi and Europe], Shanghai, 143-163 Loewe, Markus / Coralie Zaccar (2014): Microinsurance in Western Asia, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) / Intertiol Labour Organization (ILO) Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimée / Markus Loewe / Caroline Reeg (2014): Which factors determine the upgrading of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises? Evidence from Egypt, India and the Philippines, Cairo: Economic Research Forum (Working Paper 866) Loewe, Markus (2014): Millennium Plus or Sustaible Development Goals: how to combine human development objectives with targets for Global Public Goods? in: Global Review 2/2014 Loewe, Markus (2014): Pension schemes and pension reforms in the Middle East and North Africa, in: Katja Hujo (ed.), Reforming pensions in developing and transition countries, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 69-101 Loewe, Markus (2013): Caring for the urban middle class: the political economy of social protection in Arab countries, in: Katja Bender / Markus Kaltenborn / Christian Pfleiderer (eds.), Social protection in developing countries: reforming systems, London: Routledge, 196-204 Loewe, Markus (2013): Social health protection in the Arab world, in: Jenny Schreiber / Thomas Eich / Morgan Clarke (eds.), Conference proceedings of the intertiol conference: health related issues and Islamic normativity, Halle: MELib, 151-167 Loewe, Markus (2013): Industrial policy in Egypt 2004–2011, Bonn: German Development Institute (Discussion Paper 13/2013) Loewe, Markus (2012): Public pensions in ME: a dangerous situation, in: Middle East Insurance Review 12/2012, 34-35 Loewe, Markus / Yvonne Deblon (2012): The potential of microinsurance for social protection, in: Craig Churchill / Michal Matul (eds.), Protecting the poor: a microinsurance compendium Vol. II, Geneva: Intertiol Labour Office and Munich Re Foundation, 40-58 Loewe, Markus (2010): Soziale Sicherung in den arabischen Ländern: Determinten, Defizite und Strategien für den informellen Sektor, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges. (Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik 7) Loewe, Markus / Juliane Brach (2010): The global fincial crisis and the Arab world: impact, reactions and consequences, in: Mediterranean Politics 15 (1), 45-71 Loewe, Markus (2010): Die Diskrepanz zwischen wirtschaftlicher und menschlicher Entwicklung in der arabischen Welt, In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 24/2010, 10-16 Loewe, Markus (2010): New approaches to social protection: microinsurance, Bonn: German Development Institute (Briefing Paper 8/2010) Brach, Juliane / Markus Loewe (2009): Getting off lightly? The impact of the intertiol fincial crisis on the Middle East and North Africa, Hamburg: GIGA (Focus Intertiol 1/2009) Loewe, Markus (2009): The third way to social protection: promoting group-based micro-insurance, in: Jourl of Insurance and Risk Magement 4 (1), 72-90 Loewe, Markus (2009): Soziale Sicherung, informeller Sektor und das Potenzial von Kleinstversicherungen, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges. (Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik 4) Loewe, Markus / Jos Blume / Johan Speer (2008): How favoritism affects the business climate: empirical evidence from Jordan, in: Middle East Jourl 62 (2), 259-276 Loewe, Markus (2008): Basic social protection: positions of key development actors, Stuttgart: Brot für die Welt (Alysis 1) Loewe, Markus (2007): A demographic dividend for the developing countries? Consequences of the global aging process, Bonn: German Development Institute (Briefing Paper 6/2007) Loewe, Markus (2006): Downscaling, upgrading or linking? Ways to realize micro-insurance, in: Intertiol Social Security Review 59 (2), 37-59 Loewe, Markus (2006): Middle East / North Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: implications for German development co-operation, Bonn: German Development Institute (Studies 19) Loewe, Markus (2005): Maßhmen zur Verbesserung der sozialen Sicherheit im informellen Sektor: das Beispiel der arabischen Welt, in: Dirk Messner / Imme Scholz (Hrsg.), Zukunftsfragen der Entwicklungspolitik, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 221-235 Loewe, Markus (2004): Politik für die städtischen Mittelschichten: soziale Sicherung in der arabischen Welt, in: Joachim Betz / Wolfgang Hein (Hrsg.), Neues Jahrbuch Dritte Welt: soziale Sicherung in Entwicklungsländern, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 147-168 Loewe, Markus (2004): Reform der sozialen Sicherung in den arabischen Ländern: was die Regierungen tun sollten und wo Entwicklungszusammerbeit ansetzen kann, in: Michael von Hauff / Ute Vogt (Hrsg.), Islamische und westliche Welt: warum Politik, Wirtschaft und Entwicklungszusammerbeit ihre Kooperationen neu orientieren müssen, Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag, 404-434 Loewe, Markus (2004): New avenues to be opened for social protection in the Arab world: the case of Egypt, in: Intertiol Jourl of Social Welfare 13 (1), 3-14 Loewe, Markus / Jens Ochtrop / Christine Peter / Alexandra Roth / Maja Tampe / Arvid Türkner (2001): Improving the social protection of the urban poor and near-poor in Jordan: the potential of micro-insurance, Bonn: German Development Institute (Alysen und Stellunghmen 12/2001) Loewe, Markus (2000): Protecting the old in a young economy: old age insurance in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in: Intertiol Social Security Review 53 (3), 59-83 Loewe, Markus (2000): Social security in Egypt: an alysis and agenda for policy reform, Cairo: Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran & Turkey (ERF Working Paper 2024) Loewe, Markus (2000): Systeme der sozialen Sicherung in Ägypten: Entwicklungstendenzen, Erfahrungen anderer Geber und Ansatzpunkte für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammerbeit, Bonn: German Development Institute (Alysen und Stellunghmen 04/2000) Loewe, Markus (1999): Sozialpolitik im Dienste des Machterhalts: soziale Sicherung und der Staat im arabischen Vorderen Orient, in: Peter Pawelka / Hans-Georg Wehling (Hrsg.), Der Vordere Orient an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert, Opladen: VS Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften, 121-142 Loewe, Markus (1998): Soziale Unsicherheit in der Westbank und dem Gazastreifen, in: Orient 39 (4), 605-625
Academic conferences
A new social contract for the ME, 3rd SP-ME Conference, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik,, 05-06 December 2016 Organised session „ It’s the economy, isn’t it??“ at the 23rd Annual Conference of the German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO), Bonn, University, Intertiol conference on “Measuring the social, economic and political effects of social protection: How to overcome the challenges?” Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 15-17 April 2015 Organised session „Gender aspects in public works programmes” at the Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet) Conference 2014 on „Employment strategies in the Developing World - How to create sufficient, productive and decent jobs", Lusaka, Zambia Institute for Policy Alysis and Research (ZIPAR), 18-19 September 2014 [with Esther Gehrke] Organised session „Social protection policies in the Middle East and North Africa” at the Fourth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Ankara, 18-22 August 2014 Working Group Meeting „Social Protection“ at the 14th EADI General Conference, Bonn, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, 23-26 June 2014 Intertiol Conference „Green and social: maging synergies and trade-offs”, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 12.-14 March 2014 [with An Pegels, Carmen Richerzhagen and Kathari Stepping] Intertiol Workshop „Micro and Small Enterprise Upgrading: Insights from Egypt, India and the Philippines”, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 28 November 2012 [with Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa and Caroline Reeg] Intertiol Workshop „The Millennium Goals and Beyond: Reflections on an intertiol development policy agenda after 2015”, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 21–22 November 2011 [with Alejandro Guarín] Organised session „Chi as a new donor: Consequences for OECD and developing countries“ at the 5th Poverty Reduction, Equity, and Growth Network (PEGNet) Conference 2011 on “Poor countries, poor people, and the new global players”, Hamburg, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, 7-9 September 2011 Panel „The Global Fincial Crisis and the Arab World: Impact, Challenges and Chances“ at the Third World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Barcelo, University, 19-24 July 2010 [with Juliane Brach] Workshop „State-Business Relations and Pro-poor Growth”, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 16 March 2010 Intertiol Workshop „Beyond 2015: Starting the conceptual debate about the future of the Millennium Declaration and the MDGs”, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 18 January 2010 Intertiol Workshop „Strategies to Achieve Pro-Poor Growth in Brazil, Chi, India and Europe: The Case of the Education Sector”, Berlin, InWEnt, 10–11 December 2009 [with Nicole Rippin and I Dettmann-Busch] Intertiol Workshop „Industrial Policy in Developing Countries”, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 18-19 November 2009 [with Tilman Altenburg] Organised session „The ME region and the global economic and fincial crisis“ at the Annual Conference of the German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO), Bonn, University, 8-10 October 2009 [with Juliane Brach] Workshop „Contributions of German Development Co-operation to the Achievement of the MDGs in the ME Region“, Bonn, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 15 March 2005
Professional or Trade Press
Policy Reports
Consultancy Reports