Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 10 years )
Dr. Katharina LennerQualifications
Doctorate, Freie University BerlinCurrent or most recent Employer
Postdoc Fellow
University of Bath
Time in Post - 1
Organisation Type: University
Regional Expertise
Disciplinary or professional background
Anthropology, Development Studies, Political science
Contact Info
+44(0)1225 38 4612
Social Media
@KathariLenner (Twitter)
Public Profiles
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Poverty or deprivation measurement ( 10 years )
Governance (Local Governance and Decentralization) ( 10 years )
Public Policy ( 10 years )
Social protection
Social safety nets ( 10 years )
Labour and employment policies ( 1 years )
Academic publications
- Lenner, K. and Susanne, S., 2016. Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon: between refuge and ongoing deprivation? In: IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2016. Barcelo: European Institute of the Mediterranean, pp. 122-126. http://www.iemed.org/observatori/are
Academic conferences
2017: Panel Convenor: ‘Forced Migrants in the Labour Market? Inclusion, Exclusion, Rights and Realities’, at the Intertiol Conference ‘Rethinking Refugee Studies’, held at the Refugee Studies Center, Oxford University, March 16-8. https://soundcloud.com/refugeestudiescentre/rsc-conference-2017-session-iii-room-3-forced-migrants-in-the-labour-market?in=refugeestudiescentre/sets/rsc-conference-2017-beyond-crisis 2015: ‘Holes in the Poverty Pockets – Translating Poverty Alleviation Policy in Jordan’. Paper presented at the workshop ‘Transtiolising Clientelism’, organised by the Collaborative Research Centre 700 ‘Governce in Areas of Limited Statehoood’, FU Berlin, June 19-20. - ‘Negotiating the Yardstick: The Politics of Measuring Poverty in Jordan’. Paper presented at the conference ‘Questioning Social Inequality and Difference in the Arab Region’, organised by the Arab Council for Social Sciences (ACSS), Beirut, Mar. 13-15, 2015 - ‘Teaching a Man to Fish’? Paradoxes of State and Development rratives in Southern Rural Jordan. Paper presented at the Fourth World Congress for Middle East Studies (WOCMES), Ankara, Aug. 18-22, 2014 - ‘The Uneasiness of Local Knowledge - Eco-Political Interventions in Wadi Araba, Jordan’; Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Denver, CO; Nov. 17-20, 2012
Policy Reports
Lenner, K., 2016. The politics of pledging: reflections on the London donors conference for Syria. European University Institute. (MPC Policy Briefs; 2016/03) http://cadmus.eui.eu//handle/1814/39184
Consultancy Reports
‘The Position of PAMD in Relation to tiol Strategies and Policies of Poverty Alleviation and Decentralisation / Local Development’; Consultancy Report for GTZ Project ‘Poverty Alleviation and Municipal Development’ (PAMD), Amman.
‘Indicators à la Carte: ‘Designing and Debating Poverty Measurements in Jordan’. Public lecture in the course of the lecture series 'Perspectives on the Modern and Contemporary Arab World', organised by the Institut Français du Proche-Orient (ifpo) and the Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL), Amman, Apr. 1., 2015