Public Policy ( 13 years )
Dr. Jacopo ZottiQualifications
Doctorate, University of Graz / University of TriesteCurrent or most recent Employer
Assistant Professor
University of Trieste
Time in Post - 5
Organisation Type: University
Regional Expertise
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia,
Disciplinary or professional background
Development Studies, Economics, Education, Evaluation research
Contact Info
Public Profiles
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Taxation ( 13 years )
Economic development ( 13 years )
Academic publications
with B. Lucke: Macroeconomic effects of the Barcelo Initiative ( with A. Bigano and A. Śniegocki: Policies for a more dematerialized and circular EU economy. Theoretical underpinnings, political context and expected feasibility ( with B. Lucke: Welfare-optimal trade and competition policies in small open oligopolistic economies ( with K. Farmer: Sustaible government debt in a two-good, two-country overlapping generations model ( with B. Lucke: The Economic Costs of a well-placed Bomb. Lebanon and the Assassition of Mr. Hariri ( with B. Gaitan and B. Lucke: Assessing Economic and Fiscal Reforms in Lebanon. A dymic CGE alysis with debt Constraints (
Academic conferences
11.2015: 1st Diplomatic Forum of the Diplomatic Academy of the Republic of Macedonia on “Macro and Micro Strategies for Development: Strengthening the Diplomatic Capacities in the CEI Region”, Skopje - invited panelist 09.2015: Conference on Dymics, Economic Growth, and Intertiol Trade (DEGIT) XX. Graduate Institute, Geneva (Switzerland) 09.2014: Conference on Dymics, Economic Growth, and Intertiol Trade (DEGIT) XIX. Vanderbilt University, shville, TN (USA)
Policy Reports
with A. Bigano and A. Śniegocki, Report on qualitative assessment of economic impacts. DYMIX Project (, 2015 with F. Bosello, M. Antosiewicz, M. Bukowski, F. Eboli, P. Lewandowski and A. Śniegocki, Report on economic quantitative ex-ante assessment of proposed policy mixes in the EU. DYMIX Project (, 2016 with Nesbit, Martin; Bigano, Andrea; Ekvall, Tomas; Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin; Lucha, Christine; Śniegocki, Aleksander; Vanner, Robin. Qualitative assessment of the DYMIX policy mixes. DYMIX Project (, 2015 .