Education policy
Prof. Huda BasaleemQualifications
Doctorate, International University of Malaysia (UKM)Current or most recent Employer
Head, Dept. Community Medicine and Public Health Director, Aden Cancer Registry and Research Center
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University
Time in Post - 20
Organisation Type: University
Regional Expertise
Disciplinary or professional background
Development (applied), Education, Evaluation research, Health/Medicine, Social/Public Policy, Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Mathematics
Contact Info
+967 713455434
Social Media
Huda Basaleem (Facebook)
Public Profiles
7 years
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Family policy
Health policy
Academic publications
1. Alshakka M, Aldubhani A, Basaleem H, Hassali MA, Ibrahim MIM. Importance of Incorporating Social Pharmacy Education in Yemeni Pharmacy Schools Curriculum. Jourl of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine 2015, 1(1):6-11. Intertiol peer reviewed Jourl 2. Alshakka M, Ahmed Abdorabbo, Basaleem H, Jha N, Alshammari T. Knowledge, attitude beliefs and practices of community pharmacy dispensers in Aden, Yemen towards adverse drug reaction reporting. World Jourl of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015; 3(10): 2111-2118. Intertiol peer reviewed Jourl
Academic conferences
Workshop on the "unity of working cards on mother and child health", Ministry of Public Health jointly with WHO, Sa'a, 21-23 December 1993. - Facilitator of the training course on "nutrition skills for the workers in mother and child health and nutri
Social Media
Consultancy Reports