Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 10 years )
Dr. Hadi VeisiQualifications
Doctorate, Tehran UniversityCurrent or most recent Employer
Head of Department of Environmental Education
Shahid Beheshti University
Time in Post - 2
Organisation Type: University
Regional Expertise
Disciplinary or professional background
Anthropology, Development Studies, Development (applied), Education, Political science, Sociology
Contact Info
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Education policy ( 15 years )
Academic publications
45. Veisi. H., Hematyar.H. and Azarkerda, H.(2008). Exploring the Relationship between Students Knowledge and perceptions towards sustaible agriculture. Environmental Sciences. 5(2): 39-50. 46. Liaghati,H., Veisi, H, Hematyar, H. & Ahmadzadeh F. (2008). Assessing the Student's Attitudes towards Sustaible Agriculture. American-Eurasian Jourl of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 3 (2): 227-232.
Academic conferences
3. Veisi, H., Zarandian, A. & Liaghati H. (2012). Planning to enhance students’ environmental literacy: educatiol needs and their acquired methods. The 2nd tiol Iranian conference on environmental planning and magement (NICEPM), Tehran, 15-16 may.