MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Prof. Emad Saleh

Prof. Dr. Emad Farouk Saleh professor of Social work, Working originally at Fayoum University-Egypt, Presently I’m working in Arts and Social Sciences College, sultan Qaboos University. During my academic career that has surpassed over 30 years' of experience, I focused most of my academic attention on Social Work profession, through several fields that represented in: Teaching and E-Learning, Research, Training, Social Policy and Planning, school Social Work, Social Development, Social Networking and Generalist Practice in Social Work ... etc. . I have received many scientific awards in Research and Teaching fields From many Countries :Egypt , Indonesia , Malaysia , India, and Oman.

Doctorate, Cairo University
Current or most recent Employer

Professor of Social Work

Cairo University
Time in Post - 6

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise


Disciplinary or professional background

Development Studies, Education, Health/Medicine, Humanities, Policy/political advocacy (including human rights), Social/Public Policy, Sociology, Other

Contact Info


Fayoum University
Social Media

Emad Farouk (Facebook)

Current Areas of Policy Interest

Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 4 years )

Public Policy ( 4 years )

Education policy ( 3 years )

Family policy ( 4 years )

Health policy ( 4 years )

Social work

Work relates to groups

Children ( 20 years )

Youth ( 20 years )

Elderly ( 20 years )

Women ( 10 years )

Disabled ( 10 years )

Areas of Policy Interest over the last ten years

Areas of Policy Interest researched, programmes designed and/or delivered in the last ten years

Poverty/deprivation reduction

Education policy

Social work


Academic publications

Academic conferences