MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Prof. Driss Kettani

PhD in Computer Science, specialities: AI and Sof. Eng. Several books, many journals and conference papers, Many master projects/theses Many international findings and consultant missions Scientific Expert in ICT4D eGOV UN Expert eGov Observer in PA Several intertiol rewards.

Doctorate, Laval University, Qc, Cada
Current or most recent Employer

Projects Manager and Head of Laboratories

Full Professor
Time in Post - 20

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise

Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, State of Palestine, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates,

Disciplinary or professional background

Development (applied), Education, Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Mathematics

Contact Info

212 675400035

School of Science and Engineering Alakhawayn University in Ifrane Ifrane, 53000
Public Profiles

Current Areas of Policy Interest

Governance (Local Governance and Decentralization) ( 20 years )

Education policy ( 20 years )

Work relates to groups

Youth ( 20 years )

Women ( 10 years )

Areas of Policy Interest over the last ten years

Areas of Policy Interest researched, programmes designed and/or delivered in the last ten years

Public Policy

Governance (National)

Governance (Local & Decentralization)

Gender equality

Economic development


Academic publications

Academic conferences



Policy Reports

Consultancy Reports