MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Mr. Douidich Mohamed
Masters (including MRes, MBA, MPA), INSEA Rabat
Current or most recent Employer

ingenieur general

Haut-Commissariat au Plan
Time in Post - 15

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise


Disciplinary or professional background

Development Studies, Economics, Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Mathematics

Contact Info

00 212 0 660 102 110

20, Lot Fidae Faith khair Telara Maroc
Current Areas of Policy Interest

Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 37 years )

Poverty or deprivation measurement ( 37 years )

Governance (Local Governance and Decentralization) ( 37 years )

Public Policy ( 37 years )


Academic publications