MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Dr. Darwish Al-Emadi
Doctorate, University of Edinburgh
Current or most recent Employer

Chief Strategy & Development Officer

Qatar University
Time in Post - 1

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise


Disciplinary or professional background

Civil service, Development Studies, Education, Evaluation research, Humanities, Government, Political science, Policy/political advocacy (including human rights), Social/Public Policy

Contact Info

00974 44033230

Qatar University - B01 - Second Floor-Room 344
Current Areas of Policy Interest

Public Policy ( 8 years )

Education policy ( 10 years )

Family policy

Social care ( 8 years )

Labour and employment policies ( 10 years )

Taxation ( 8 years )

Economic development ( 10 years )


Academic publications
1-Unreality of quantitative figures,Working Papers in Linguistics University of York. 2- Language mirrors gender preference,Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Vol. 12, 1989, pp 21-40. 3- Economy as a factor in language change Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Semir "Language and politics" Vol.13, 1990, pp 7-27. 4- Speech Community: a critique of labov’s definition Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 14, 1991, pp 21-38. 5- The relationship between attitudes and achievement in SL (a case study of students at the university of Qatar) Bulletin of the Documentation and Humanities Research Center,Vol. 10, 1998, pp 9-42. 6- Research obstacles in Gulf Universities: a case study of the University of Qatar. Proceedings of the fourth intertiol conference on research: Crisis of research and brain draige in Arab countries and Turkey,Tunisia, 1999, pp105-122 7- Within-Household Sampling Conditioning on Household Size. Intertiol Jourl of Public Opinion Research Page: Volume 25, number 1, Spring 2013, pp.108-118. Kien T. Le, J. Michael Brick, Abdoulaye Diop and Darwish Alemadi. 8- Attitudes towards Migrant Workers in the GCC: Evidence from Qatar University. Jourl of Arabian Studies 2.2 (December 2012) pp 173-187. Abdoulaye Diop, Mark Tessler, Kien Trung Le, Darwish Alemadi and David Howell. 9- Dr. Darwish Alemadi, 2013, “Practical Guidance on Calculating Sampling Error in Election Polls”. Survey Practice: Vol 6 (1), Boston, Massachusetts, May 16-19, 2013. 10- Dr. Darwish Alemadi, 2014. “Gender Pre-specified Sampling for Cost Control”. Intertiol Jourl of Public Opinion Research. Vol 26(4): 441-452. doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edt035.

Academic conferences
Teaching Foreign Language to Children in Qatar”, College of Education Semir 1995, University of Qatar. 2. "Semir " Language and politics" College of Humanities and Social Sciences 1997, University of Qatar. 3. " Language Change: Some Examples from Qatari Dialect" A Symposium on "Linguistics in the Gulf" The department of Foreign Languages College of Arts & Sciences University of Qatar, March 2007. 4. " Language and Political / Cultural Change" Intertiol Conference on Language Literature and Culture, Malaysia May 2007. 5. Alemadi D, D. Howell, and A. Diop (2011). Comparative Survey Research in the GCC Region. Paper presented at the 4th ESRA Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland , July 2011. 6. Diop, Abdoulaye, D. Alemadi, and D. Howell (2011). The Use of Split Sample Technique to Dissociate Attitudes towards White-Collar and Blue-Collar Migrant Workers. Paper presented at the 4th ESRA Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2011. 7. Alemedi D., H. Abdul-Rahim, and D. Howell (2011): Building Survey Research Capacity in the Gulf Arab Region: the case of The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University. Paper presented at the 66th AAPOR Annual Conference, May 12-15, Phoenix, AZ. 8. Le K. T., A. Diop, and D. Alemadi (2011) Within-Household Selection: Searching for a Better Method Conditioning on Household Size Information. Paper presented at the 66th AAPOR Annual Conference, May 12-15, Phoenix, AZ 9. Meeds R., D. Alemadi, and A. Diop (2011): Trusted News Sources as predictors of Qatari attitudes toward social and public issues: an alysis of the first annual omnibus survey on life in Qatar. Paper presented at the 2011 AUSAGE conference, Beirut, Lebanon, October 2011. 10. Darwish Alemadi & Justin Gengler, 2011, “Civil Society and Democratization in the Arab Gulf”. Paper presented at Qatar Foundation Annual Conference Forum Nov 20-22, 2011. 11. Darwish Alemadi, Dec 2011, “Why Social Sciences Research’?. Paper presented at 8th Intertiol Conference on Islamic Economics and Fince, faculty of Islamic Studies, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Dec 19-21 2011. 12. Darwish Alemadi, “ Doing Surveys in a Society with Unorthodox Population Pyramid”.

Professional or Trade Press



Policy Reports
