Poverty or deprivation reduction ( 6 years )
Mr. Atif KhurshidQualifications
Masters (including MRes, MBA, MPA), Heller School for Social PolicyCurrent or most recent Employer
Head of Social Policy
Time in Post - 1
Organisation Type: Development partner
Regional Expertise
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Yemen,
Disciplinary or professional background
Development Studies, Development (applied), Evaluation research, Policy/political advocacy (including human rights), Social/Public Policy
Contact Info
Social Media
khurshidatif (twitter) (Twitter)
Current Areas of Policy Interest
Family policy
Social protection
Social safety nets ( 6 years )
Social security systems ( 6 years )
Academic publications
1) Universal Health Coverage: necessary but not sufficient: http://ro.uow.edu.au/smhpapers/1309/
Academic conferences
2) Gender and Women Empowerment in the ME region: What have we learned fomr MDGs for transitioning into SDG presented at UNDP conference in Egypt.