MENASP Network Database

Social Policy Database

Database of Middle East North Africa Social Policy Expertise

Prof. Ahmed Awad

I am a Professor of Social Work, I got my Ph.D. degree through a scholarship with the school of social work - University of Michigan. I am interested in teaching, practicing, and researching in social work. I have a number of published researches in many social fields such as medical, Terrorism, Sex Education, social justice, internet security, and sustaible development field. I have a number of published books such as Human Behavior and Social Environment, Social work in the Middle East (published in Routledge- with other authors), factors associated with elder abuse, and generalist practice on the micro level. I am a peer reviewer in Intertiol Jourl of School Social Work.

Doctorate, scholarship between SSW- University of Michigan and Faculty of Social Work - Helwan University (Egypt)
Current or most recent Employer


Faculty of Social Work-Helwan University, and department of Social Work Umm Al Qura University.
Time in Post - 3

Organisation Type: University

Regional Expertise

Egypt, Saudi Arabia,

Disciplinary or professional background

Education, Evaluation research, Humanities, Social/Public Policy

Contact Info


Faculty of Social Work - Helwan University. Cairo, Egypt.
Current Areas of Policy Interest

Education policy ( 3 years )

Family policy

Social work

Work relates to groups

Children ( 2 years )

Youth ( 1 years )

Elderly ( 6 years )

Women ( 1 years )

Disabled ( 1 years )

Refugees ( 1 years )

displaced ( 1 years )

Areas of Policy Interest over the last ten years

Areas of Policy Interest researched, programmes designed and/or delivered in the last ten years

Family policy

Social care

Social work

Social protection


Academic publications